Pneumonia Vaccine

Herold’s Pharmacy offers the Pneumonia, or Pneumococcal, vaccine by Appointment in Charleston S.C.

What is the Pneumococcal Vaccine?

This vaccine helps protect against serious infection (e.g., meningitis, bacteria in the blood) due to certain bacteria (Streptococcus pneumoniae). This vaccine is important for preventing infection in individuals at risk (e.g., those with heart disease, lung disease, liver disease, diabetes, alcoholism, spleen problems, sickle cell anemia, or HIV, or those living in a nursing home).

You may need to have another dose of vaccine if you are still at high risk for infection. This is especially true if you are younger than 65 years old when you receive the first dose of this vaccine. A second dose should not be given until 5 years after your first dose. Ask your health care professional for more details. If you are receiving this vaccination before spleen surgery or before receiving cancer chemotherapy or other drugs that decrease your immune system function, it should be given at least 2 weeks before these procedures to be effective.  You can read more about this vaccine on the CDC Pneumococcal website.

We Accept All Insurance and Medicare!

Please contact us to set up your appointment!